The "Tierfreunde Europa e. V." could be recognised as non-profit organisation by the tax office in Emmendingen.
We are registered at the local court of Freiburg under VR 702867.
Tierfreunde Europa e.V.
Vogesenstraße 5
79346 Endingen
Responsible for the content of the website according to §6 TDG:
Ariane Thoma
Vogesenstraße 5
79346 Endingen
Website administration
Carlos Carvalho, Ariane Thoma, Bettina Thoma, Klaus Schnee.
Despite careful control of the contents, we do not assume any liability for the contents of external links.
The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for the content of their sites.
The contents and images on this website are for your information and are protected by copyright.
The adoption and use of the data for other purposes, except for personal and non-commercial use, requires the express written consent of the operators of this website.
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